Faith is the Currency to Access Heaven

Faith is the Currency to Access Heaven



For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith. Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them.

Mark 11:23-24


The blessings God has in store for His children are in abundance. His promises are everlasting and cannot fail. God is not a man that He should lie, and He is able to do exceedingly above what we can ask and think. 


All His blessings are for us, kept in the storehouse of heaven, but to get these goodies, you need a currency to purchase them. Yes, a currency.


This currency is not the U.S or Canadian dollars; it’s neither the Pounds sterling, Euro, nor the currency of your country, but a spiritual currency that is intangible.


This currency can buy any spiritual blessings. These spiritual blessings include peace, joy, sound health, and abundance, etc., that you so much desire. This currency is faith. 


Faith is the currency a believer uses to access God’s blessings. A spiritual transaction is activated whenever faith is put to use; there is an exchange of value between you and God.


Faith gives you the purchasing power to acquire heavenly blessings. However, the level of your faith most times does not matter. Unlike in the world today, where people need thousands or even millions of dollars to buy most of the things they need and to live a fulfilled life, in the Kingdom of God, the value you get in exchange for your faith is usually greater than your faith. With faith as little as the mustard seed, you can move mountains. Moving mountains here is achieving what seems impossible.


With faith, you have the assurance that you will get what you hope for. 


Whatever you hope for, be it financial prosperity, wisdom, children, healing, restoration, etc., are all available for you in the storehouse of heaven, but you need faith, the currency of heaven, to get what you want.


Sometimes, all we do is believe and not exercise faith. Most Christians cannot tell the difference between believing and having faith. To believe is not faith. Believing is simply having a conviction that the word of God is true and that God can do things for you.


However, believing alone cannot make you have access to the promise of God or receive your miracle. Believing is just one of the ingredients but not the complete package.


Many Christians today are frustrated and disappointed in God because all they do is just believe, and that’s all. They begin to doubt God’s Word or His ability because His promises are yet to be fulfilled in their lives.


Indeed, God can do all things. He is a sovereign King who does the impossible. He is a miracle-working God and the creator of all the heavens and earth’s beauty and splendors. Although He can fix your situation with a snap of a finger, He expects a level of responsibility from you. He doesn’t want you to sit, fold your arms and cross your legs while He does all you want Him to do.


God wants you to activate your faith by taking action towards all you believe. The steps you take concerning what you believe is what makes what you believe come to fruition and reality. Your action is simply faith. Faith is acting upon the Word of God and the promises in it. That is why James 2:26 says faith without work is dead.


Each promise of God is hinged upon a condition that must be fulfilled. Thus, you have a role to play for a particular promise you are trusting God for to come to pass in your life. 


All these conditions are explicitly outlined in the Bible (Duet 28:1-14). For example, diligence is the key to gain access to a person of influence and in the corridor of power (Proverbs 22:29); to break free from the hold of lack and poverty, you need to work hard (Proverbs 6:9–11); to receive any good thing you wish for, you must first give (Luke 6:38), etc.


Simply put, you only have faith when you put to action all you believe in God’s Word. Acting in faith moves God to back you up and make things work in your favor. 


You can activate your faith by taking these three simple steps:


Study the Word of God


One way to build your faith and keep it alive is by spending time studying the Word of God and meditating over it. By studying the Bible, you will know the promises God has for you. You will also get to know that God has integrity and the ability to do all things. These truths will strengthen your faith.


Confess the Word


Just like the eyes, the ears are the doorway to the soul and mind of a man. Whatever he hears constantly settles in his heart and begins to penetrate his consciousness, and before he knows it, he will start to manifest the things he frequently hears. Therefore, speaking the Word of God over your life every day and at all times will shape your reality.


Act Upon the Word


Faith is an action word. It is all about putting the Word of God to use until you get your desired result. Obeying the Word of God and practicing the principles in the scriptures will make you get all you desire speedily in as much as what you want is for His glory and not for your selfish desire. 





Father Lord, I thank you for all your promises for me. I worship you for you can do exceedingly, abundantly above all I ask and think. I bless your name because you will not withhold anything good from me. Lord, I humbly ask that you help my unbelief and strengthen my faith. Thank you, for you will supply all my needs according to your riches in glory, Amen.


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